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2008-04-01 08:52:51
 Zalamerenye - Handbook of Zala county (Zala megye kézikönyve) - Hatvan, CEBA-Hungary Ltd, 1998.jpg

Nyilvános Nyilvános

Accessibility: The village of Zalamerenye lies northeast of Nagykanizsa, 3 km from the Nagykanizsa-Keszthely road. It is accessible on an access road. The nearest railway station is 15 km away.
Characteristics: The first written hints to the territory date from 1082 and 1203, the latter document mentioning the village itself as Merena. The Turks leveled the village twice, in 1548 and in 1566, but the area was soon repopu-lated. In the past decades, the population has dropped. The number of registered unemployed is 19, most of them unskilled. The residents of Zalamerenye have always lived on agriculture. Vine growing and hog farming are the most important activities. The main attractions of Zalamerenye are the landscape and nature in the vicinity of the village and the nearby Kis-Balaton. There is also a scenic footpath to the nearby Zalakaros, the famous spa.

This text came from the following book:

Title: Handbook of Zala county (Zala megye kézikönyve)
Series: County handbooks of Hungary (Magyarország megyei kézikönyvei)
Chief editor: Hóbor József
Publisher: (Hatvan), CEBA-Hungary Ltd, 1998
ETO: 908.439.121(035) ; 050.8(439.121)
ISBN: 963-9089-18-2
Pages: 488-1040 p.
Remark: Closed on: 1998. márc. 31.